Hole-y Habitat

I went for a ramble last night after dinner, and found this in the park. Woodpecker holes? Insect holes repurposed for mason bees? I kind of wanted to bring it home for our mason bees (we have quite a crop this year) but I don’t know what else I’d be bringing, so I decided against it. It was still super cool to see.

The recent spate of warm weather has made quite a few things flower and stressed a bit of the groundcover, but the dryness has cut down on slugs and snails. Maybe we got this instead of a hard freeze to keep the gastropod numbers in check.

I also celebrated some very good news by grabbing some vinca, lithadora, a couple begonias, some golden millet grass, some oxalis, and a salvia, all in tiny pots. Now everything is in the ground and watered, and tomorrow’s rain (should the forecast hold) will only do good things for the entire garden. I may almost be recovered from the push to finish the last zero.


Have a lovely weekend, my beloveds. (And subscribers–you guys may get a treat before said weekend is done…)